1. Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW) - Rabat
2. Association of Arab Universities (AARU) - Amman
3. Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States - Riyadh
4. Regional Office of UNESCO in Beirut
5. Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO)
- Rabat
6. Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO)
- Tunisia
7. Arab Thought Foundation (ATF) - Beirut
II. Goals:
1. Identifying the level and relationship between education and
development, evaluating its present status, and activating its role
in the Arab world.
2. Reinforcing the importance of introducing modern development
in the academic
curriculum taking into consideration the identity and distinctive
cultural issues in
Arab world.
3. Recommending practical tools and perspectives for the development
of education in
the light of the future challenges of sustainability.
4. Coping with the international and regional research in the field
of education and
sustainable development.
5. Putting into effect all the collaborative Arab achievements in
education and
coordinating efforts of the private and public international and
regional institutions
for the sake of education and sustainable development.
Concurrent Sessions and Panels:
Session 1. Background on the relationship between education and
Panel 1. What is sustainable development?
Panel 2. Priorities of sustainable development
Panel 3. Strategies of the contemporary changes
Session 2. Live experiences in education and sustainable development:
pros and cons
Discussion 1: Finance and private sector
Discussion 2: Literacy, job market, and reducing poverty
Discussion 3: Environment preservation
Discussion 4: Computer literacy
Discussion 5: Citizenship experiences
Discussion 6: International education
Session 3. Education deficiency and sustainable development:
Whose responsibility?
Panel 1: Education policies and development strategies
Panel 2: Education programs and job opportunities
Panel 3: Human resources and requirements of sustainable development
Session 4. Perspectives of education and sustainable development
IV. Participants:
All Arab and international private and public educational, economic,
and human resources institutions are invited and encouraged to participate
in this conference.
Also among the invitees are the following:
-The Arab ministers of education, planning, finance and labor.
-Presidents, deans, and professors of universities and colleges
-Heads and directors of higher education
-Local, regional, and international educational organizations
-Arab and international economic organizations and sponsors
-Research programs in education and human resources
-Private and public institutions of education and development
-Experts, researchers, and specialists in the field of education
and sustainable
Those who are interested in participating should fill out the attached
form and send it to the Arab Thought Foundation by:
Fax : 00961 1 997101
Email: education@arabthought.org
Or by registering on the website: www.arabthought.org
Interested presenters:
All experts in the field of education and sustainable development
are encouraged to share their successful and interesting educational
experiences in this conference.
If interested, pl. contact the foundation by:
Fax : 00961 1 997101
Email : education@arabthought.org