AASHTAR MAGAZINE- the temple of all magazines
Under the patronage of his Highness King of Jordan - King Abdallah in Jordan and with the care and viewing of the British Ambassador Christofer Burnts a reception took place in Hotel Four Seasons in Aman, where the prize of the Journalist viewer for the year (2005) was given with the present of many political faces...
The artist Ziad Makouk held a press conference in the Lebanese Press Federation to announce the launching o building a public theater, that will be daily going on and it will be free of charge to keep the Lebanese Traditions and culture go on...
Lawyer Ramez Moustafa and Engineer Ziad Elias held a press conference at the Press Federaton to show the coming out of a set of golden coins on the case of honoring the remembrance of President Hariri and his friends who died for the liberation of Lebanon.
Dr. Mouhamad Kbaisi singed his book "Detlif Meles Investitagations and what came after" .. at the Lebanese Press Federation, many important people spoke and were present there...
The Soudanian Embassy held a press conference at the Lebanese Press Federation where the Counciller of the Soudanian President Dr. Moustafa Othman spoke about the the Arab Comittee that will be held in Soudan and about what is happening in Darvor.