council of Lebanese Press held a meeting and discussed the principales
of the legal days that should be given as holidays in the main feasts
in order that a fixed decision will be taken, the council also took
decision to support the suggestion of nominating Mr. Ghassan Twaini
as a legal deputy in the Lebanese Parliament in taking the place
of his son the great journalist who was killed God have mercy upon
his pure soul.
president of the Lebanese Press Federation has sent an official
letter to stand with all tender upon the grief of his highness Cheikh
Mouhamad Ben Rashid El Maktoum Vice President of the United Arab
Emirates and to his Excellency and Highness of the Arab Emirates
because of the death of his brother his highness who was an imporant
person who built the Emirates with all the Royal family President
Balbaki of Lebanese Press also visited the Emirates Embassy for
the importance of this case...