AASHTAR MAGAZINE- the temple of all magazines
A press conference was held by the Leabnese Business Men Union who have business in Iraq in order to get their rights and about the Lebanese money that exist in Iraq also the Iraqian money that exist in Lebanon.
The great musician Victor Sahab held a press conference to declare the results of the International elections of the music council found in Paris that comes from the Unesco. This musical council is found to support local and international traditions all over the world also it contains local council, patriotic and international. Lebanon is an important member in it, wihtin its international musical council.
Dr. Elie Karami the past president of the Lebanese Political party the Falangest held a press conference under the title " our newview for the union of the Lebanese Political Falangest"
The union of the organisation of "the right of the family in having the Lebanese Nationality"... held a press conference to take into consideration that Lebanese married women and the Arabic women should give their children their own nationalities.