AASHTAR MAGAZINE- the temple of all magazines

Her Holy name said with her great voice,
My children during the time of fasting open your hearts for the gifts that “God” wishes to give to you. Be opened, leave everything and pray say yes to “Glory God”, and he will give you plenty. As the land gives good harvest during spring, the Holy Father shall give you abundantly. I am with you I love you my children in a very tender way.
Thank you for listening to my words.

A very close Prayer to Saint Joseph Father of the Holy Family
This prayer shall be prayed on a 5 units rosary
We start by Our Lord
On three units we say:
1- Pure Heart of Saint Joseph pray for us to follow the way of God
2- Pure Heart of Saint Joseph pray for us to become Saints
3- Pure Heart of Saint Joseph pray for us to stay pure and have mercy upon us
The sign of the cross
One time Our Lord and Our lady Mary
Pure heart of Saint Joseph pray for us
Then 10 times:
Oh Lord Jesus, Santa Maria Mary, and Saint Joseph help us and guide us now and at the hour of our death Amen.
The sign of the cross

At the end: Holy family unit us and bound us with you now and forever. Lord of mercy have pity upon all of us and may the souls of dead rest in peace amen.