AASHTAR MAGAZINE- the temple of all magazines

The book of My Age by the famous journalist Elias AOUN

A special poetry book written by famous Lebanese Journalist Elias AOUN, published by Dar Sader. In this chef d’oeuvre, the journalist is expressing the importance of true pure loving between a man and a woman and how he sees and feels his own love for the one whom he truly loves. He says: “we as journalists get out of ordinary life to enter the thread of reality letting everyone know what’s going on around. With our pen real life shines despite of all situations. I advise men to go back to real purity and good romantic life in order to mirror the beauty of nature. Within the verses of Poetry written by Elias AOUN he insists on the importance of a woman in the life of a man…

- Your existence in my life makes it another flower and rose
- You are the castle of my dreams
- Being in love with you makes me another person
- enter the shadow of my dreams
- Help me to get and grab my real life
- You are the apple of my eyes
- Never betray my love or else you will not have any existence
- Come out of my other day to make it a second time
- Let me know more about your own world to make it a white pearl….

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